Alicia Carrero Fernández

Dra. Alicia Carrero hold a Ph.D. in Chemical Sciences from the University of Castilla la Mancha, in January 2000. In February 2003, she got a position as a senior lecturer, and since December 2019, she is full professor in Chemical Engineering at Rey Juan Carlos University belonging to High-Performance Chemical and Environmental Engineering Research Group (GIQA; Her research has been focused on the synthesis of catalysts and their applications inside these lines: -Isomerization of n-butene to isobutene to increase the production of ETBE needed in gasolines formulation.  - Polymerization of ethylene and propylene to get heterogeneous catalyst able to produce bimodal polymers with enhanced properties mainly for pipe applications. - Biodiesel synthesis from microalgae to look for alternatives to fossil fuels using renewable energy like biomass. - Renewable hydrogen production through steam reforming of oxygenated compounds derived from biomass.

To develop these research lines, she has collaborated with companies through 13 research projects, been the main researcher in 8 of them. Besides, she has participated in 15 research projects supported by public institutions, been the main researcher in 3 of them. She has supervised 8 PhD Thesis and published 67 scientific articles in JCR-indexed journals. These publications have received 2849 citations with an h-index of 28. She has 4 six-years research periods and 1 six-year transfer period according to National Commission for Assessment of Research Activity (CNEAI).

Research profiles

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Keywords: Catalysis, mesoporous materials, zeolites, hydrogen, steam reforming of oxygenated compounds, olefin polymerization, biodiesel production.